Online Essay and On-line Quiz competitions were organized by us in the month of May 2024. The themes for Essay were Global Warming and Value Education. Quiz is conducted on the life of Swami Vivekananda. A total of 413 and 228 candidates registered for Quiz and Essay competitions respectively. After initial on-line screening 20 and 30 candidates were respectively short-listed for Off-line Quiz and Essay final-round of competitions held on 9th June at Swamiji's House. The program witnessed enthusiastic participation and prize distribution ceremony was held on the same day. Swami Jnanalokananda, Secretary of RKM Swami Vivekananda's Ancestral House and Cultural Centre presided over the ceremony. A cash prize of Rs. 20,000 and RKM literature worth Rs. 13,450 were given away to participants as prizes. Snacks were distributed to participants and guardians accompanying them. In all about 80 people were present during the ceremony.